Weekly Devotions
We have curated weekly devotions for our Church Family on YouVersion. Our prayer is that you will find the strength & peace to strengthen your walk with Jesus.
Our latest devotions
Starting Dec 16th
Invitation to a Transformed life
Reading the news can be discouraging—even demoralizing. Unfortunately, we cannot convict a single sinner of a single sin or change even one person, much less our culture. But God can. To join him, we must submit our lives to the only power that can change the culture. When Jesus said, "Blessed are . . . " to launch the Beatitudes, he invited us to precisely such an empowered, transformative life.
Starting Dec 9th
Many people settle for racial tolerance instead of oneness. We’ll indulge differing races. Maybe we’ll even attend racial rallies. But when the event is over, we go our separate ways. This shows us that it takes more than a smile, handshake and a friendly “hello” to bridge this racial gap. In this 4-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will take you on a journey toward biblical unity.
Starting Dec 2nd
The Grace of God
The grace of God is a never ending supply of His favor, love, and kindness to us. Even though we’ve done nothing to deserve it, it’s available to the entire world through Jesus. No matter how good or bad our choices may be, we’re all in need of God’s grace. In this Plan, we’ll learn more about how to live grace-filled lives.
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