Life Missions

Go and make disciples of all Nations

Matthew 28:19

We aim to take the message of hope that Jesus offers, to all the earth – locally, nationally and internationally. Our church supports many areas of missions that are having an impact in their location.

Partner with us.

Our commitment is to be relevant and practical so we can meet people at their point of need. This can be through prayer, supporting ministry and community development projects, and taking volunteer teams internationally.

We are committed to the Pan Asia region, which includes:

  • North and South Asia

    • Cambodia

    • Indonesia

    • Vietnam

    • Thailand

  • Africa

    • Mozambique

    • Lesotho

Financially, prayerfully and in friendship, we support the daily lives of ACC International field workers who have committed their lives to working in these locations. We maintain regular contact, and from time to time, take teams to volunteer and better understand how we can more effectively partner in transforming communities and nations, one life at a time.

For more information about what our church movement is doing visit the ACC International Missions and Relief website.